grow and serve

At BCC, we want you to discover the gifts that God has given you and help you use those gifts to further His Kingdom. These pages will have the latest openings in our existing, and future avenues of service, and opportunities for growth. Check back here often. 

We very much desire your first step in serving to be taking the spiritual gifts assessment offered below. Whether or not you are called to serve in an area you are already gifted in, or you are called to serve in an area new to you, taking the time to discover and contemplate your giftedness is a great way to begin.

To see our opportunities for growth:/grow-serve/grow

To see our opportunities for service:/grow-serve/serve

  • Spiritual Gifts Assessment

    At BCC, we want you to discover the gifts that God has given you and help you use those gifts to further His Kingdom. After completing this form, we will reach out to you with a survey to help identify your spiritual gifts as well as identifying characteristics of your personality that will help identify the ideal service area. After the surveys are completed, we will meet with you to discuss the results and determine an ideal service area.

    Click on the link to begin your journey -